Saturday 3 December 2011

Lady Gaga - Future Icon? I think so.

I have so much respect for Lady Gaga. She has transformed the music industry. I was beginning to be bored by the latest artists until she came along. I was not a fan of her earlier stuff like "Just Dance" and "Poker Face" but I realise now that she had to start like that in order to get into the industry and become accepted. I wish though that she had started as she is now, she is an amazing performer and I look forward to each music video and each performance on the television. I always wonder what she will wear next as I love her style. Yeah, some of it can be over the top and just plain daft but I love the way she is capable of doing what she wants and being what she wants to be. It's just revolutionised the industry now. There are no limits.

Many people say she has copied off other artists such as Madonna. Yeah, who doesn't? Everyone has their idols and inspirations which come through in their style. The fact that she has taken all these different artists and put herself into it to create something completely new is just plain clever. I also think she is extremely artistic herself and has a lot in store to show us and reveal to us.

The latest video "Marry the Night" revealed a lot to me. It's nearly 14 minutes long (which reminds me of great Icon's such as Michael Jackson who did short film like music videos e.g. Thriller) and I think it shows a lot about herself.

It starts in a psychiatric hospital which I think represents her life before stardom in stage school. It shows the pains of that. How everyone is fighting to be a star and no one is really sane. There are so many pressures within the business and it shows how she fights back against it. I've just read that it is about the time when she was dropped from her first record label. The scene shot was very realistic to her, i.e. she was Naked and the time and in bed. I like it when artists let their past demons loose on the world. I like that I can relate and feel like they have trusted me with an intimate feeling. All her videos nowadays have underlying meanings and themes and I always like to try to work it out before I google it. It's what they want I guess. Take your view on it. Use your imagination. It's a very interactive thing.

I love Lady Gaga and I think she will be remembered through music history along with other greats. I look forward to telling my children and grandchildren that I was around when she started. Either that or the future will just think "My, those years were strange..."

Here are some of my favourite images of Lady Gaga:

Her and Tony Bennett after their single "The Lady is a Tramp." - If you've not heard it and Lady Gaga it may change your mind. She is extremely classy and an amazing singer. That lace dress omonomnom


Thursday 1 December 2011

In awe of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...

I am sat here writing my English Literature coursework which is to compare Hamlet, The Bell Jar and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I'm developing the quotes I've found and analysing them. Ken Kesey writes so flawlessly. He makes my essay so much easier as I could probably write a page of analysis on just one phrase in his novel. It's fantastic. By far one of my favourite novels of all time. 

Ken Kesey is an amazing writer. The way he writes gets me all riled up and ready for a rebellion. Almost all of his paragraphs are so profound. He makes every sentence count unlike some novels these days which tend to go off on tangents or just write things for the sake of writing them. It sometimes reminds me of Charles Dickens days when they were paid per page so just wrote huge amounts on nothing. Yes, I do love Dickens and am a big fan of his novels. However, I much prefer the writing of Kesey and others who are straight to the point and do not waffle, keeping you hooked every second of the way!!

"So you see my friend, it is somewhat as you stated: man has but one truly effective weapon against the juggernaut of modern matriarchy, but it certainly is not laughter. One weapon, and with every passing year in this hip, motivationally researched society, more and more people are discovering how to render that weapon useless and conquer those who have hitherto been conquerors"

This quote is just wow. It highlights everything that is great about this novel. This quote somehow sums up the whole novel and brings all the themes together. Obviously here, Kesey begins to develop his misogynistic view of modern society. Women are fully dominant over the men. The only weapon men have against this is their penis. Their only chance to regain power is by rape but women have learnt this and now know how to render this weapon useless, by castration.

Throughout the men's lives they have been oppressed by women and have many damaging memories involving women i.e their mothers, wives and Miss Ratchett. The ways these men gain power is through sex. McMurphy who goads Miss Ratchett all the time, Chief's erection to which McMurphy replies that he is "Getting bigger already" in literal senses and in terms of power and finally Billy Bibbit's wild night with Candy the prostitute which helps him to regain his confidence. However, as always the women are able to take that away as we see towards the end of the novel after all this rebellion that McMurphy has been stirring up just goes down the drain.

I don't know how much I agree with this in reality however the novel certainly makes me feel pretty misogynistic.