Wednesday 30 November 2011

Didn't know people like these still existed...

 This video of a woman on a tram in London being awfully racist has recently been going around the internet. She was later arrested due to her actions. 

Now here we have an obviously ignorant and extremely bigoted woman hurling abuse at people who were on the tram. I agree with her getting arrested but one of my friends posed the question:

"What about freedom of speech?"
Should this woman have been arrested for just saying what she thinks? We live in a society where freedom of speech is valued. If the British National Party, English Defence League and other quite clearly racist Political groups can go around saying the same without being arrested then why can't she?

I'll tell you why not, because what she is saying is directly abusing other people. These parties, yeah their values instil an underlying racism but it's a general broad thing. I'm not saying this is right but when it comes to the law if you are publicly offending people in this way it deserves an arrest. If she was saying this in her own home or to her friends it would be different I guess. This doesn't make it right however I am just explaining why she was arrested. Another reason is that with this video going viral, if the police did nothing then a whole outrage would occur with people thinking that the police are still "institutionally racist" or that they don't discipline on these grounds. Well they do and they have and they do it all the time!

Free speech goes out the window when someone is this outright and abusive to those people on the tram and those on the internet. To be honest, if having to arrest people on offences like these means that we have no free speech. Then so be it! I'd rather not have free speech than just let something like this go by. It isn't even the fact that this is just Britain being overly politically correct. This is a genuine crime and a genuine value that Britain should upkeep. Being racist should not be tolerated at all in today's society. It is morally wrong. I don't care what anyone else thinks.

We should have learnt our lesson already with the deaths of many people which have been attacked due to their race. For example Stephen Lawrence and Anthony Walker.

It should not be tolerated at all! Who cares about Freedom of Speech. This isn't right!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Desperate what wives?

To all you British folk last night this lot appeared on your screens.

Right then. As a Liverpool born girl it made me laugh as some of the things are common to our scouse (The name us Liverpudlians give ourself) culture. The "scouse brow", going out with rollers in, that accent are all things that I commonly see. Most people from Liverpool are nothing like the stereotypes portrayed in this awful show as you can imagine. Just like all Essex girls aren't the same as the TOWIE lot. I cringe at the fact people watching this may actually think we are like this!! As if Liverpool hasn't got a bad enough name for itself anyway! Haha. It's cringe-worthy to see these Z listers thinking they are A list Celebrities. They aren't even known in Liverpool let alone anywhere else. It's funny for me to watch as I do like to poke fun at the typical scouse culture. I just feel sorry for all the other people who tuned in last night just to see what it was like and were just like "What?"

I used to watch TOWIE (The Only Way Is Essex) but it was just so scripted it was painful to watch! These shows claim to be reality and they are far from it! Desperate Scousewives makes TOWIE look Oscar worthy! It sometimes seemed the Scousewives didn't know their own lines but this added to the comedy value in my opinion.

I didn't think I would keep watching but I think I am going to. After all it is not all the time Liverpool is in the limelight and I like spotting places I know and hearing things I'm used to. Sort of nostalgic in a not so long a go sort of sense. I don't know how to describe it. Can't believe I'm even admitting this. 

I've never sinned more than I have in tuning into this show. Please forgive me. I'm a disappointment you all.

The forever sorry, Lauren.

Monday 28 November 2011

Time to show my appreciation to the greatest show on earth.

If you don't recognise it by now you are totally and utterly missing out on one of the best things in life.
I present to FIREFLY!
Let me tell you a brief history of this show...

It all started with this genius. Joss. Our good friend, Joss Whedon.

"You may remember him as the creator of TV series' 
such as Buffy the Vampire and Angel..."

He is a brilliant producer, director, screen writer and more! He magically thought up the most amazing 
show ever. In my opinion greater than that of Buffy and Angel (Don't shoot). He combines sci-fi somehow with a crazy Asian space western and surprising it works. Don't ask me how. When I try to describe Firefly I just can't. It's totally different.

Set in 2517, it follows the crew of a "Firefly class" spaceship called Serenity which includes 9 beautifully developed characters. Whedon describes it as "nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things". The show explores the lives of some people who fought on the losing side of a civil war and others who now make a living on the outskirts of society that exists on the fringes of their star system.

After the war there were only two surviving superpowers: USA and China who form the government called the Alliance (and no it is not just Star Wars, there are no aliens or jedi's), resulting in the fusion of the two cultures (Asian western as described earlier). According to Whedon's vision, "Nothing will change in the future: technology will advance, but we will still have the same political, moral, and ethical problems as today." I think this is very prophetic and also very true.

Hopefully you have a brief overview now and aren't too bored. So yeah, that great doesn't it?! Well yeah but when the Fox are running your show it is a different story! 

Basically Fox for some reason did not want this show to succeed. They played episodes out of order, at different times each week, at times that were not popular and if that wasn't enough they CANCELLED IT! After only 14 episodes. Yup. The few fans that were able to emerge during this time in 2002 were outraged. They set up petitions, got Firefly known etc (Which thankfully is why I know Firefly today!) Eventually a film was made after lots of petitions and the hard work of Joss and the cast to keep Firefly going and then we have SERENITY which was brought out in 2005! 
Watch Firefly before this! People make the mistake of watching this first... Shame on them.

I only found out about Firefly at the start of this year so I did not have the agony or waiting years wondering whether or not I'd be able to see the beautiful Firefly cast ever again. Wondering what the end was going to be!? I luckily didn't have that. I watched Firefly with my boyfriend within a couple of weeks. The last 8 episodes we watched all in one sitting, followed by Serenity. I've never been able to sit through a 3 hour film, let alone 10 hours of something. But it is Firefly and I make exceptions. We were both gripped and nearly cried before putting in Serenity knowing that this was the last thing. Any fans will know this feeling ;)

Before Firefly I wasn't even a Sci Fi fan, my boyfriend was however and I started watching it as he said the first few episodes he watched were great. He was right! Since Firefly I feel like a little Sci Fi geek, I know love Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. I've even been able to sit through all the LOTR's (not sci fi I know). It's totally changed what I enjoy and I love it.

What I love most about Firefly aside from the brilliant story lines and the hilarious quotes is the characters. Joss somehow - in the short space of 14 episodes - develops the characters so beautifully. You connect to every one and love them all. There isn't one I like less than the others but maybe a couple I favour a bit more.

Here is Kaylee. She is my favourite. She is the one of them all that reminds me most of myself. She has such a positive little spirit that floats around the ship smiling and always has a kind word for everyone. She wears her heart on her sleeve quite like me and isn't quick to hide her feelings from anyone.

She loves strawberries and is just so flippin' cuteeeeee!

I think Jayne is my favourite too. I can't even describe why I love him. He just never fails to make me laugh out loud. Oh Joss, I don't even get how you can write such a great script. Truly talented.

He's pretty cunning dontcha think ;)

I just realised I could go on and on and probably tell you all about the characters and why I love them but then I'd end up saying they're all my favourite and ruin the Firefly experience for you!!

I really really really hope you get the chance to watch and enjoy the growing phenomenon that is Firefly.
Firefly probably has the most dedicated fan base of all things ever. Seriously. We're mental.

Join us ;)


Thanks for reading my mental little crazy post. It's the only thing I'm obsessed with I swear.
Wait... that was a lie.


Sunday 27 November 2011

My visit to Auschwitz...

On the 3rd of November this year I was selected to visit Auschwitz with an amazing scheme called the Holocaust Educational Trust. Every year they take 2 students from most colleges in the UK to Auschwitz in order to re-humanise the victims. It wasn't to show us terrifying images of walking skeletons and pits full of bodies. No. It was to show us the people. The people the victims were before they were dehumanised by the Nazi's. Before they were tortured and stripped of their identities.

 In the pre-visit seminar they showed us pictures of people who 'lived' in the camps. People who died in these camps. Class photos, families on their holidays, little children and more. We got to know the people. We related to them. They were just like you and me. We met a survivor. Her name was Kitty. She was such an inspirational women. What struck me most was that she spoke so matter-of-factly about her experience, as if it were normal. Obviously this is not how she feels but I understood that in order to tell her story she must disconnect herself from it. It was obviously traumatic for her. I felt sorry for her that she has to tell this story all the time. The story of her hellish life before, during and after Auschwitz. The story in which she lost all of her family except her mother. The story in which she probably lost part of herself. She would never be the same. This experience really upset me. She was obviously a strong woman. She spoke of it being luck not strength. Even the strongest of people were brutally murdered. You could not fight it, you just lived day to day through sheer luck.

I couldn't sleep the night before the visit. I had to get up at 3am anyway but before then I was so restless. Tossing and turning trying to imagine what the day would be like. How would I react? Did I need waterproof mascara and tissues? Or would I just still be unable to comprehend it -  completley detached myself from it. I hoped not. I hoped that I would learn from it, I hoped I'd understand. Only time would tell.

The whole day was a blur. It went so fast.

Can you imagine getting off the plane to this? We were all told it would be freezing. Wrap up warm they said. It could be snowing. But no, it was boiling. Nicer than the weather in England that day. I think if it was cold and snowy the whole day would have been different for me. My thoughts would have completely changed. 

We went to a synagogue in the town.It the only Jewish building standing after the Nazi's and people threatened by the Nazi's burnt down the rest. The only reason this building still survived is because the Nazi's used it for themselves. The last remaining surviving Jew in this town died 10 years ago but before this he used to come and open the door to the synagogue every day, even though their were no Jews to come. A sign that the Nazi's had failed in their mission.

I was pretty cheerful at this point. I'd seen a beautiful town, it was a lovely day and I finally had some food in my tummy. Auschwitz 1 was the next on the agenda. My smile dropped. I sat in silence. 

We arrived at Auschwitz and collected out headsets. It was very very weird. I felt like a tourist. I didn't want to be a tourist. A tourist visits nice places not a place where millions were tortured and killed. I felt awful. I felt even more awful when I walked through the doors and into the camp. My first thought was how lovely everything looked. I wanted to erase this thought from my head. How could I think something like that!? But alas everything was lovely. It was Autumn. My favourite month. The skies were blue, the leaves were yellow, the grass was green. I'd only seen these places in the black and white photos of the past. It felt so wrong to see so much beauty and so much vibrant colour in a place such as this. 

The notorious sign - "Work brings Freedom".

Words cannot describe what I felt as I walked under this arch. I just felt a chill although my body was warm under the midday sun. I imagined the millions of people walking under here but they would never come out. I would come out. I would be able to come home at the end of the day. They did not. They walked to their deaths. I can imagine the prisoners feeling quite positive as they walked into here for the first time. They didn't know what to expect, only that they would be housed and they would be working. They probably thought the same as me "Oh this is lovely". It must have been a nice comparison to the millions of ghettos that they were so used to. I may be completely wrong here but it is just what I think. Little did they know however, what was to come. They may have heard rumours passed along the grapevine but would you believe someone if they told you that thousands upon thousands of people are being murdered at these so called camps. You would not believe them until you saw. Like it is for us, for them too it would have been so hard to even imagine. It makes me cry to think that these poor, innocent human beings would have to realise that it was not just a rumour. They had to see it first hand, see it was real. I can't imagine how they would have felt when they realised the rumours were in fact true. 

I want to share a thought I had about these blocks.
To me these blocks - were thousands of people were crammed into one room - looked like those very expensive apartment blocks you see nowadays. The type people would pay a lot of money for. It was a weird thought and I shared it with my Educator, Mike and he thought it was very interesting. Interesting that thousands of people would pay for this and live alone on one floor whereas so many millions of people would be longing to escape from the crammed rooms of thousands of people. Weird.

This was the first of the belongings section that we saw. Although these weren't belongings it was the one of the most upsetting things for me to see. These were gas cylinders. A single one of these would have killed thousands of people in one sitting. The fact they were just discarded and thrown to the side with the rest of the 'junk' that they collected. It sickens me that just one of these cannisters accounts for thousands of lives and these aren't even all of the cylinders. 

Hair. Human hair. I just don't have the words. Seeing this at the large scale that it was knowing that it wasn't even a fraction of how much there was just killed me. I'm a girl who loves my hair and never wants to have it cut this just ruined me inside. Girls and boys my age, younger and older would have had their beautiful hair bluntly shaven off without a thought. They were all clones. No clothes, no hair, no belongings. No individuals were left after this process just shells. Shells of what they were; stripped of their dignity.
The way it lay there, no life, no colour. Oh. I don't even want to remember it :(

Glasses just crushed and tangled. No intent of return. 

Crutches and prosthetic legs of the frail. These people were no use to the Nazi's. They sent them straight to the gas chambers after stripping them of their stability. I just have horrible images of people being dragged into the gas chambers as they now cannot walk. Very sad.

More belongings that would have just been ripped from their hands. I'd hate to see the little girls face as the doll is ripped from her arms. 

Shoes. Millions of shoes and this wasn't even the half of it. In fact not even a tenth probably. It looks like a sea of brown to you but when you got up close you could see lovely shoes. I spotted some pretty red high heeled sandals. I imagined the woman who might have owned these. She was very pretty and always looked after her appearance. These were her favourite shoes and she would wear them on special occasions. These were taken from her. Along with everyone else with their own shoes and their own story. 

The standing chambers in the basement of Block 11. Block 11 was used to punish those who went against the Nazi's, so lots of non Jew's were also kept here for trying to do the right thing. 4 people had to crawl into this and stand up for 3 days. Other rooms were suffocation and starvation cells, completely pitch black. 

Here is the area were roll call was given. People stood out here twice a day to be counted, in all weathers, for up to 2 hours. Some days if people were missing they would stand out here for several hours until that person was found. The person who counted was sat in that little tower, protected from the weather.

Gas chamber and Crematorium. Hard to imagine millions of people losing there lives inside. I didn't take any pictures inside here. We just walked around in silence. It was very strange and I just wanted to get out as soon as I could.

I really like art and would love to paint or draw a picture of this. No escape is what I'd title it. 

It was starting to get colder now and we were on our way to Auschwitz Birkenau. This camp was even more chilling than the last. Auschwitz 1 was a baby in comparison to this. This was huge. When I looked out from the watch tower I could see the camp stretching as far as the horizon. To the left and the right it was also as far as my eye could see. This camp did not have the gorgeous autumnal trees or big orange bricked blocks. It was just brown huts as far as the eye could see. Survivors tell us that there was no grass in Birkenau, just mud, a sea of mud. 

Here is the view from the watch tower. SS guards would look out over this every day. Prisoners would have never seen the sheer scale of the camp as they were often confined to just one area. You can see the train tracks running right up to the horizon. The sun was setting. It was only 3 o clock. I am used to it only getting dark at 4-5pm at the earliest back in the UK. This was just a realisation of the drastic seasons that Poland is known for. I was not cheery anymore. I was cold. A bitter wind encased my body and I shivered. I was so tired too. I'd been up all night and had a long day. I wanted to sit down. I said to Mike the Educator, how I've only been here for one day and I am tired, hungry and cold. I just can't imagine what life was like here.

The huts that stretched for what seemed like forever. The chimneys you see are huts that were burnt or destroyed by the Nazi's in order to try and cover up what happened here. Believe it or not just one of these huts was originally built to house 52 horses. During the Holocaust they housed up to 1000 people. We had 200 people on our trip. A plane full of people. A plane is so much bigger than one of these and yet 5 times more people would be kept in here. It was hard to visualise so they often gave us comparisons.

The watch tower and famous arch where the red train full of 500 people would come every day. People who would soon lose their lives.

Toilets. Yup. Hundreds of holes which survivors tell us they fought over and would only have a mere 20 seconds to do their business before they were beaten off the hole. 

A train were hundreds were kept for a minimum of 3 days when travelling to the camp. There was one bowl for water and one bowl for the toilet but it was impossible to move inside.When it got to this point people were brought out and sorted into who is to live and who is to die. 
There is a story of a woman who gave birth as the doors were opened and an SS Guard cut the cord and tossed the baby aside and sent the mother to the gas chambers.

In the children's barrack. These paintings were painted after someone was working on repairing the roof and was amazed that there were children ALIVE in Auschwitz Birkenau. So he got painters in secretly to paint these pictures so that the children could have some sort of a childhood.

Remains of a gas chamber. The Nazi's concealed all they could before the end. It was very eerie to look at. It was pitch black by this time. Only about 3:30pm

In Kanada where people first went to shower and have belongings taken from them. In here was a whole exhibition of photos that where found. Just one persons suitcase was found still full of photos. The rest were lost forever. There were 2000 photos just in this one case all from one person. These were her memories. 

This was it. The end of the day. I was glad that I would be on my way home. 
But first we had a memorial for all the lives that were lost. All the people that were stripped of their dignity. Rabbi Marcus did a beautiful memorial service. He sang a song but in Hebrew. It was utterly beautiful. A warmness filled my body. We lit candles for the people lost and placed them along the train track. It was a beautiful image. My camera blurs it but it was magical. A great end to a fascinating but a mentally challenging day. We were tired, aching and hungry. We could come home to the comfort of our warm homes and our loving families but they would not.

We must never forget.


Friday 25 November 2011

Realised I hate Disney.

I'm babysitting at the moment. This consists of watching children but also having to watch the Disney Channel. I have nothing against Disney's animated stuff as it is really good! But these programmes just promote so many awful things. When I have children I think I may ban this channel. I don't want them to turn out like the spoiled brat protagonists that are on EVERY show. I absolutely hate the whole idea of it. i've nothing against American's or their accents but the characters in these shows are just so stereotypical it's unbelievable. It makes me resent everything. AGH. It's poison. It portrays young girls as naive, stupid, materialistic, stupid, needy, bitchy, oh and did I mention stupid? I mean, are we living in the 19th century when women, like children were pretty much seen and not heard. When women were thought to know very little etcetera, etcetera. It's all about being 'perfect'. The girls make-up is always pristine and sometimes a little overdone, the hair is always long and flowing and they are always thin! This is not perfection, this is not what children should be told they have to look like and aspire to be. I'd hate for my child to grow up looking like one of those plastic dolls. Literally none of the storylines in it are at any way similar to my life. I don't know if that is because I am not American but I think this is in no way similar to life in any way.

I'm not normally a raging feminist but this just makes me want to burn my bra!!

Just stumbled upon the most beautiful portrait ever...

Just wanted to share with you and for keeps sakes. 

Why I love Holland...

Holland is so good that even blogspot has a background of an obvious Dutch landscape! Similar to this:
I love that when I am in Holland this is literally what you see when you look out the car window. You see hundreds of beautiful windmills and rolling fields. It's sad that most of Holland is below sea level meaning it will probably flood first if the world starts to flood because of global warming. So, Holland is obsessed with Dikes and rightly so. These Dikes will help to sustain the beautiful land that is Holland.

Another thing I love about Holland is the architechure and the buildings. You of course get the most famous town houses that are in Amsterdam and other main cities:

These houses are absolutely beautiful and are often along the rivers like this. Amsterdam has so many rivers. It always looks so beautiful. I love how every house is individual and has it's own quirky style but in the same way it is so typical. I'm an arty person and this just begs to be painted or drawn. It's so beautiful.

As well as this they also have very typical Dutch cottages. They're adorable and so quaint. I'd love to live in one.
They often use the water to travel in some more rural places. Agh so cute!

Another reason I love Holland and many other European countries is the bikes! They ride everywhere. They have bike lanes on every road which we have so little of in the UK. This saddens me. 

The bikes are all so gorgeous. You can never find one as pretty in the UK for a good price. They all seem so expensive but when you go over there you can get one of these beauties for quite cheap. I really want a Dutch style bicycle. Here is the one I want:

I'd get a little basket on the front and ride round looking really cute. Lalala.

Most of all I love the Dutch lifestyle. It seems so laid back and pleasant. No, not because of cannabis being legal. You cheeky things. Every Dutch person I've met is so lovely to be around and extremely chilled. They're lovely. I wish I was one. I also love the Dutch football team. I supported them the last world cup over England. I have nothing against England I just love the Dutch team. Little did I know they would get to the final! It was extremely exciting to watch, even if they did lose. I also have a fantasy premier league team and at first it was called "The Flying Dutchmen" and had as many Dutch players as I could. The remarkable Van Persie, Van der Vaart and Kuyt. Since then I have changed my team but I do miss my Dutch team and I regret changing them :(

Lauren :)

Thursday 24 November 2011

Should the Littlewoods advert be banned?

The new uproar of those on "Mumsnet" and "The Wright Stuff" is the latest Christmas Littlewoods advert:

Personally upon first watch I thought nothing of it. I thought "Ahh, some sweet children singing a nice tune and thanking their mother." But now that I think about it maybe I agree with the crazy mums that are complaining about this.

  • Firstly, there is talk of it ruining the idea of Santa Claus for young children. The advert has the children thanking their mothers for the gifts they received which is all well and good but most children that age are still wrapped up in the magic of Santa. I think this is wrong although I can't see many children watching this and actually thinking that in depth about it. Even when I did believe in Father Christmas back in the day I always remember thanking my parents for my gifts. I think I thought they were in on it together. I don't know. I don't remember much from when I was younger. 
  • Secondly, the gifts on this advert all add up to £2000, encouraging this materialistic culture that consumes us and keeps us in this never ending debt cycle. The presents shown are all so expensive. A young child getting an Xbox for Christmas is £150 odd just for that. I know that my mum wouldn't have been able to afford something that expensive and we are quite a well off family. I feel sorry for the families who struggle to make ends meet and have their children asking for big gifts like these on their Christmas list. It's hard to refuse your darling child's dreams so families often take out a loan or fall into the red just to afford what Christmas has been made into these days. It shows the Grandad getting a Laptop too which is absurd. Never have I known someone to get their parents/grandparents an expensive laptop which will be totally lost upon (some of) them! It's just laughable to imagine me getting my grandparents a Laptop. I think it'd lie next to their mobile phones catching dust. They'd prefer a nice cookbook or some kitchen crockery anyday!
  • I also think in the modern age we live in that the fact the advert doesn't mention a father is just old fashioned. There are plenty of single fathers around nowadays and this needs to be incorporated. There are more fathers who will often help the mother to buy the presents for Christmas which just seems to be ignored. I know it wouldn't fit with the tune of the song but they should have changed the song to be fair to both parents!
All in all I think the anti-Santa element to it is the least of the adverts worries. I can't see many little children watching this advert, they'd probably be watching "Cbeebies" or playing a game than taking interest in the meaning of this Advert. I think the pressure it puts on average families to buy extravagant gifts for their children as if it is the norm is the main issue here.

I'm still undecided as whether it should be banned. Maybe everyone is other thinking this?

L x

I should probably explain my URL...

Yeah so for a while now I have had this obsession with becoming Dutch. I want to be Dutch! Or Norwegian, I'm not picky ;) Sadly, I was born in the UK and this isn't possible (No offence to the UK, it is a great place to live).
I've been to Holland twice and intend to visit more often. I hope I am able to one day live there but only time can tell. On my first trip to Holland, some Dutch teenagers were chatting to me, telling me to say certain things. One boy told me to say "Ik ben een koekje" - which I did and instantaneously they all burst into laughter. It means "I am a cookie" in English which I don't think is that funny but I guess it was just hysterical to hear. Since then, that phrase has stuck with me and whenever I meet a Dutch person I say it. Pretty silly I know.

After a while I figured I needed to learn some more Dutch. I can't just go round saying "Ik ben een koekje" to everyone. So, I took to youtube and learnt some basic Dutch from Ericos, who is a lovely guy. - Check him out. He helped me to learn the very basics of the beautiful Dutch language for free! So thanks a lot <3

I hope to one day be fluent but for now I should probably focus on my studies and getting into University!
Hope that explains it and I hope that you now have the instant urge to visit Holland. It is a wonderful place.

L x

First things first...

Hi there to the thousands upon thousands of people wanting an insight into my mind.
Or rather hi there to that stranger from Japan who has just stumbled upon this by mistake.

I'm aware my blog will not be recognised but I am doing this for my own piece of mind. I often have hundreds of thoughts floating around my head and this is a way of making sense of it all. I look forward to looking back at this in the future seeing how much things have changed.

I'm just your ordinary 17 year old girl from the UK. I'm applying to university this year and think this is an opportune time to start a blog. I've been wanting to for so long but apprehensive about what people would think. But who cares, no one will read this anyway. :)

My blog I am guessing will consist of the average teenage day to day stresses along with hopefully so wise words about current affairs but probably just a load of rants. I am often very opinionated and have quite controversial views (some of the time)! I'm sure you will get used to me and get to know me as the blogging progresses.

Laurennnnn x