Thursday 24 November 2011

I should probably explain my URL...

Yeah so for a while now I have had this obsession with becoming Dutch. I want to be Dutch! Or Norwegian, I'm not picky ;) Sadly, I was born in the UK and this isn't possible (No offence to the UK, it is a great place to live).
I've been to Holland twice and intend to visit more often. I hope I am able to one day live there but only time can tell. On my first trip to Holland, some Dutch teenagers were chatting to me, telling me to say certain things. One boy told me to say "Ik ben een koekje" - which I did and instantaneously they all burst into laughter. It means "I am a cookie" in English which I don't think is that funny but I guess it was just hysterical to hear. Since then, that phrase has stuck with me and whenever I meet a Dutch person I say it. Pretty silly I know.

After a while I figured I needed to learn some more Dutch. I can't just go round saying "Ik ben een koekje" to everyone. So, I took to youtube and learnt some basic Dutch from Ericos, who is a lovely guy. - Check him out. He helped me to learn the very basics of the beautiful Dutch language for free! So thanks a lot <3

I hope to one day be fluent but for now I should probably focus on my studies and getting into University!
Hope that explains it and I hope that you now have the instant urge to visit Holland. It is a wonderful place.

L x

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