Thursday 24 November 2011

Should the Littlewoods advert be banned?

The new uproar of those on "Mumsnet" and "The Wright Stuff" is the latest Christmas Littlewoods advert:

Personally upon first watch I thought nothing of it. I thought "Ahh, some sweet children singing a nice tune and thanking their mother." But now that I think about it maybe I agree with the crazy mums that are complaining about this.

  • Firstly, there is talk of it ruining the idea of Santa Claus for young children. The advert has the children thanking their mothers for the gifts they received which is all well and good but most children that age are still wrapped up in the magic of Santa. I think this is wrong although I can't see many children watching this and actually thinking that in depth about it. Even when I did believe in Father Christmas back in the day I always remember thanking my parents for my gifts. I think I thought they were in on it together. I don't know. I don't remember much from when I was younger. 
  • Secondly, the gifts on this advert all add up to £2000, encouraging this materialistic culture that consumes us and keeps us in this never ending debt cycle. The presents shown are all so expensive. A young child getting an Xbox for Christmas is £150 odd just for that. I know that my mum wouldn't have been able to afford something that expensive and we are quite a well off family. I feel sorry for the families who struggle to make ends meet and have their children asking for big gifts like these on their Christmas list. It's hard to refuse your darling child's dreams so families often take out a loan or fall into the red just to afford what Christmas has been made into these days. It shows the Grandad getting a Laptop too which is absurd. Never have I known someone to get their parents/grandparents an expensive laptop which will be totally lost upon (some of) them! It's just laughable to imagine me getting my grandparents a Laptop. I think it'd lie next to their mobile phones catching dust. They'd prefer a nice cookbook or some kitchen crockery anyday!
  • I also think in the modern age we live in that the fact the advert doesn't mention a father is just old fashioned. There are plenty of single fathers around nowadays and this needs to be incorporated. There are more fathers who will often help the mother to buy the presents for Christmas which just seems to be ignored. I know it wouldn't fit with the tune of the song but they should have changed the song to be fair to both parents!
All in all I think the anti-Santa element to it is the least of the adverts worries. I can't see many little children watching this advert, they'd probably be watching "Cbeebies" or playing a game than taking interest in the meaning of this Advert. I think the pressure it puts on average families to buy extravagant gifts for their children as if it is the norm is the main issue here.

I'm still undecided as whether it should be banned. Maybe everyone is other thinking this?

L x

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