Friday 25 November 2011

Realised I hate Disney.

I'm babysitting at the moment. This consists of watching children but also having to watch the Disney Channel. I have nothing against Disney's animated stuff as it is really good! But these programmes just promote so many awful things. When I have children I think I may ban this channel. I don't want them to turn out like the spoiled brat protagonists that are on EVERY show. I absolutely hate the whole idea of it. i've nothing against American's or their accents but the characters in these shows are just so stereotypical it's unbelievable. It makes me resent everything. AGH. It's poison. It portrays young girls as naive, stupid, materialistic, stupid, needy, bitchy, oh and did I mention stupid? I mean, are we living in the 19th century when women, like children were pretty much seen and not heard. When women were thought to know very little etcetera, etcetera. It's all about being 'perfect'. The girls make-up is always pristine and sometimes a little overdone, the hair is always long and flowing and they are always thin! This is not perfection, this is not what children should be told they have to look like and aspire to be. I'd hate for my child to grow up looking like one of those plastic dolls. Literally none of the storylines in it are at any way similar to my life. I don't know if that is because I am not American but I think this is in no way similar to life in any way.

I'm not normally a raging feminist but this just makes me want to burn my bra!!

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